Olive Helps v0.46.2
Last updated
Last updated
Added support for tabbing through Sidenote for accessibility.
Made improvements to support end-users with multiple screens.
Added the ability for local Loops to be automatically restarted when a change to the local loop.js file is detected. This feature, called Live Reloading, is disabled by default for all local Loops, and requires the Loop Author to manually enable for any local Loop after every time Olive Helps is started. It works well with the recommended compiler, Webpack, using the “--watch” flag.
The filesystem Aptitude method, “openWithDefaultApplication”, was updated to also allow/support the following file extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .apng, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .bmp, .webp, .svg, and .ico.
Loop Authors can add additional Loop authors from their organization to manage their Loops. This will enable a Loop author to provide another developer functionality to submit new versions of Loops or update Loop metadata.
Fixed a styling issue with the toast notification component.