
The Keyboard Aptitude provides access to the the ability to listen to hotkeys pressed and text or characters typed.

The Keyboard aptitude expects that a user is using a standard QWERTY layout for their keys, and will not operate as expected with alternate layouts.


Calls callback function when the specified hotkey is pressed or released.

import { keyboard } from '@oliveai/ldk';

// The hotkey to monitor to initiate callback.
// There are more modifiers to choose, please visit our documentation 

// Add hotkeys: Ctrl + a

const hotkeys = {
    key: 'a',
    control: true,
// The callback function called when the specified hotkey is pressed or released.
// Calls callback function when the specified hotkey is pressed or released.
const callback = (pressed) => {
    console.log('Hotkey pressed', 'response', pressed);
// Function that is called when listenHotkey() detects hotkeys being pressed.
const listener = keyboard.listenHotkey(hotkeys, pressed);

// Clears the listener function


Sets a listener that detects text from the user's keyboard, triggering a callback when a user types and then pauses briefly.

import { keyboard } from '@oliveai/ldk';

// The callback function called when text is detected from the keyboard
const callback = (text) => {
    console.log(`Received keyboard text: ${text}`);

// if passed in true, callback will be called while olive helps window is in focus. Disabled by default.
const includeOliveHelpsEvents = true; 

const listener = keyboard.listenText(callback, includeOliveHelpsEvents); 

// Clears the listener function


Calls callback function when any character is detected from the keyboard.

import { keyboard } from '@oliveai/ldk';

// Function that is called after listenCharacter() detects a keyboard event.
// The callback function called when a character is detected from the keyboard.
const callback = (char) => {
    console.log(`Received keyboard text: ${char}`);

const listener = keyboard.listenCharacter(callback); 

// Clears the listener function

Last updated