Olive Helps v0.25.3 & LDK v3.5.1


Release Summary

Loop Authors

  • Loop Authors can now view total subscribers for published Loops

  • Added free Loops to display on the Loops and Subscriptions page

  • Have a question about Olive Helps? The Get Help link now takes you to our updated FAQ

  • The loopOpenHandler will be called when a Loop is selected from the dropdown menu (see note below)

  • Loops that use ui.listenSearchbar and ui.listenGlobalSearch will now focus the search bar when selected from the dropdown menu

  • Added "normal" to JustifyContent options

  • Added build commands for Windows

Please note:

The new dropdown menu (displayed when you click on the search bar) will now call the loopOpenHandler when a Loop is selected. The loopOpenHandler is meant to trigger your Loop’s Start Whisper, so that your users can easily get back to the starting point of your Loop by clicking on it from the dropdown menu.

This will require an update to your Loop code, in that you’ll be wrapping the code that currently triggers your Launch/Start Whisper into a ui.loopOpenHandler method, which is currently available in the LDK. This loopOpenHandler will get called when a user clicks on the Loop in the dropdown, so if your Start Whisper code is in there, then clicking on the Loop will trigger the Start Whisper.

We are encouraging all Loop Authors to make this change to support a better user experience. By the 11/15 release, we plan to prevent Loops that don’t use a loopOpenHandler from displaying in the dropdown menu.

You can read more about the loopOpenHandler and how to implement it here in our docs.


New Search experience:

In the last release, we rolled out a new dropdown menu of selected Loops, which appears when the search bar is engaged. With this release, clicking on a Loop from the dropdown will also trigger its Start Whisper, if one is available. The Start Whisper is usually the Whisper that explains to a user how to use the Loop.

Detailed Release Notes


  • Improved messaging and instructions to Loop Authors on the loop submission page

  • Loop Authors can now view total subscribers for published Loops

  • Added free Loops to display on the Loops and Subscriptions page

  • Provided USD values for the Pi transaction history CSV download

  • Made UX improvements to the Loops and Subscriptions page

  • Sidenote padding and style adjustments

  • The Olive icon has a new, refreshed, look

  • The Get Help link now takes you to our updated FAQ

  • The loopOpenHandler will be called when a Loop is selected from the dropdown menu

  • Loops that use ui.listenSearchbar and ui.listenGlobalSearch will now focus the search bar when selected from the dropdown menu

  • Added normal to JustifyContent options

  • Dates obtained through the Filesystem Aptitude are now wrapped in a Javascript Date object, making them all standardized.

  • Added build commands for Windows


  • Addressed issues where properties like padding, margin, and flex were not correctly passed to Link, ListPair, Markdown, and Message

  • Removed the type reference to Common.Callback for Markdown.onLinkClicked

  • path is now correctly populated by the Window aptitude in a Windows environment

  • Paid loop submissions must be priced in whole number amounts

Deprecation Warning Reminder

In v0.28.x (release date estimated 11/15), we will be excluding any Loops that do not use the loopOpenHandler from the dropdown menu. Loops will still function if a user has them installed, but the user will not be able to see them in the dropdown menu.

Last updated