LDK v 3.18.0


Release Summary

This includes the release notes for LDK v 3.18.0

LDK Changes

  • Two additional functions have been created for the ListPair Whisper component:onLabelCopy() and onValueCopy().

  • A new property has been added to the USER Aptitude, which provides the email address as a property that can be accessed via the function JWTWithUserDetails.

  • An optional property label has been added to the PROGRESS Whisper component, which results in the aria-label during Whisper rendering.

Deprecated Changes

  • In the ListPair Whisper the onCopy function has been deprecated, and two additional more granular functions have been added in its place: onLabelCopy() and onValueCopy().

Additional Notices

  • In the next release the LDK, it will evolve to adhere to the Semantic Versioning 2.0 Standard. Following this standard will ensure that the versioning numbers better align with industry best practices for software release.

Last updated