
The Process Aptitude provides the ability to examine attributes about processes running on the user's computer.

Each call to the Process Aptitude is providing you with one of two types of information. It either returns ProcessInfo or a ProcessEvent . Let's take a moment to define what these two things are.

interface ProcessInfo {
    command: string; // The name of the process (i.e. Olive Helps, Google Chrome, etc.
    pid: number;     // The process id number

enum ProcessAction {
    Started = 1,
    Unknown = 0,
    Stopped = 2,

interface ProcessEvent {
    processInfo: ProcessInfo;
    processAction: ProcessAction;


Gets a list of the current running processes on a user's system.

import { process } from '@oliveai/ldk';

process.all().then((processInfoArray) => {
    // Logs a process name like "Olive Helps", "Google Chrome", "pbpaste" etc.


Listens to all processes starting and stopping on a user's system. Triggers the callback whenever a process is started or stopped.

import { process } from '@oliveai/ldk';

process.listenAll((processEvent) => {
    if (process.processAction === process.ProcessAction.Started) {
        // New process started

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