
The Clipboard Aptitude provides the ability to interact with your clipboard on your system.


listen function will be deprecated and removed, date is still unknown

Provides the Loop author with the capability to inspect all values that are copied to your clipboard while the listener is active. Clipboard events from the Olive Helps desktop app can be filtered out from the responses.

import { clipboard } from '@oliveai/ldk';

// When true, clipboard events emitted while Olive Helps is focused are picked up by the callback
const listenToOliveHelpsEvents = true; 
// Function that is called after listen() detects a clipboard event.
// Provides the text from the event as the first argument of the callback
const callback = (clipboardText) => {
    console.log(`Received clipboard text: ${clipboardText}`);

clipboard.listen(listenToOliveHelpsEvents, callback);


Provides the Loop author with the capability to inspect all values that are copied to your clipboard while the listener is active. Clipboard events from the Olive Helps desktop app can be filtered out from the responses.

import { clipboard } from '@oliveai/ldk';

// When includeOliveHelpsEvents is true, clipboard events emitted while Olive Helps is focused are picked up by the callback
const options = {
    includeOliveHelpsEvents: true
// Function that is called after listen() detects a clipboard event.
// Provides the text from the event as the first argument of the callback
const callback = (clipboardText) => {
    console.log(`Received clipboard text: ${clipboardText}`);

clipboard.listenWithOptions(options, callback);


Get the current contents of the clipboard at the moment when the function is called.

import { clipboard } from '@oliveai/ldk';

// Function that is called after read() is successful
// Provides the text on the clipboard when read() was executed
const callback = (clipboardContents) => {
    console.log(`Read from the clipboard: ${clipboardContents}`);


Set the contents of clipboard, overwriting its current value.

import { clipboard } from '@oliveai/ldk';

// Function that is called after write() is successful
const callback = () => {
    console.log('Wrote to the keyboard!');

clipboard.write('Message to clipboard').then(callback);

Last updated