Olive Helps v0.30.2 & LDK v3.10.0


Release Summary

Loop Authors

  • Added a filterOptions object for the Autocomplete component. Using this, Loop Authors can leverage search filtering customizability outlined here https://v4.mui.com/components/autocomplete/#custom-filter

    • There is one difference though: stringify is not a function, but rather a string[] that is the path to the key that you want used on the option.

  • Included React dependencies in the LDK for using JSX whispers. If you were using React Whispers before this update, it will continue to work as intended. If you’d like to make use of these changes, you can now remove react, react-dom, and react-reconciler from your project’s dependencies, and import React from the LDK using import { React } from '@oliveai/ldk'

  • Added an export of the React Whisper renderer to the root, so it can be imported using import { ReactWhisper } from '@oliveai/ldk'

    • This is to replace using import * as ReactWhisper from '@oliveai/ldk/dist/whisper/react/renderer' but this way will still work to maintain backwards compatibility

  • Loop Authors can now programmatically set the text of RichTextEditor (value property).

  • Browser Aptitude can now grab the source HTML of an active tab or window and return it as a string.

  • New Browser Aptitude functionlistenNetworkActivity allows Loop authors to access any of the API requests being made on a given browser page.


  • Added support for selecting content with Command+A (Mac) or Control+A (Windows) .

  • Adjusted the Loop logos shown in the search dropdown to avoid squishing .

  • Included type-ahead suggestions in the search bar when a Loop is highlighted .

  • Hovering a loop in the search bar dropdown will fill in the search bar with that Loop’s shortcut.

  • Other minor improvements to the search dropdown interactions.

  • Improved Sidenote hyperlink interactions to include hover state and easier link deleting.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the “Show Me Around” button is firing Whispers from installed loops.

  • Fixed various errors occurring when logging out of the application.

  • Fixed padding and alignment for Autocomplete component.

  • Fixed an issue where an unwanted icon would appear next to an email address in a Whisper.

  • Resolved errors being logged when the “X” is clicked on the Autocomplete component.

  • Fixed a documentation error that said cursor position was returning integers. This has been fixed in documentation to state the position is returning as float.

Deprecation Reminder

  • As of v0.27.0, any Loops that do not use the loopOpenHandler are excluded from the dropdown menu. Loops will still function if a user has them installed, but the user will not be able to see them in the dropdown menu.

Last updated